Tuesday 22 March 2016

Modul Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 sd


Read the dialog below!
Putri and Farah meet on the first day of the school.
Putri : Hello, I’m Putri. What is your name?
Farah :I’m Farah. How do you do?
Putri : How do you do? Nice to meet you Farah.
Farah : Nice to meet you too.
Putri : Where are you come from?
Farah :I’m from Yogyakarta. What about you?
Putri : I come from Bali. Sorry, i have a class now.
            I have got to go. Nice to talk to you Farah. See you later.
Farah : Bye. See you too.

Introducing yourself
Let me introduce my self, my name is .........

Asking someone’s identity
Information to ask
What iss your name?
What is your full name?
What is your nick name?
May i know you name?
Could you tell me you name?
My name is ........
My full name is .......
My nick name is ...........
Sure. My name is Tommy.
Of course. My name is Juli
Where are you from?
Where are you come from?
I am from australia
I come from yogyakarta
What is your address?
Where do you live?
My address is 148 taman siswa
I live at Jl.Godean no 2
I live on Jl.Godean
I live in yogyakarta
Telephone number
What is your telephone number?
What is your phone number?
My phone number is .....
What is your hobby?
My hobby is singing
When is your birthday?
My birthday is 28th april 2013
Where do you study?
I study at .....
What is your job?
What do you do?
What are you?
I am a teacher
What is your nationality?
I am indonesian
In My Living Room
      I have a big house. There are kitchen, living room, badroom, and bedroom. My livingroom is very wide, clean and fresh. In the afternoon, we are watching television in the livingroom together. There are big television 29 inch, sofa, clock, chair, table lamp, fan, air conditioner, and floor lamp.
     My father usually reads newspaper and my mother reads woman magazine. My brother and I usually read comic and play games.
Vocabulary :
In the livingroom

·         Clock
·         Picture
·         Window
·         Curtain
·         Lamp shade
·         Table lamp
·         Floor lamp
·         Table
·         Vase
·         Ashtray
·         Newspaper
·         Sofa
·         Table cloth
·         Fan
·         Handphone
·         Air condition/AC
1.      Do you have clock in your living room?                                      a. Yes I do                 b. No i don’t
2.      Do you have fan in your living room?                                         a. Yes I do                 b. No i don’t
3.      Do you have stable cloth in your living room?                          a. Yes I do                 b. No i don’t
4.      Do you have sofa in your living room?                                       a. Yes I do                 b. No i don’t
5.      Do you have newspaper in your living room?                           a. Yes I do                 b. No i don’t
6.      Do you have ashtray in your living room?                                  a. Yes I do                 b. No i don’t
7.      Do you have vase in your living room?                                       a. Yes I do                 b. No i don’t
8.      Do you have table in your living room?                                      a. Yes I do                 b. No i don’t
9.      Do you have floor in your living room?                                      a. Yes I do                 b. No i don’t
10.  Do you have television in your living room?                              a. Yes I do                 b. No i don’t
Vocabulary :
In the kitchen

·         Jug
·         Mixer
·         Blender 
·         Glass
·         Cup
·         Dustbin
·         Refrigerator
·         Frying pan
·         Gas stove
·         Grater
·         Vacuum cleaner

In the Dining Room

·         Spoon
·         Plate
·         Fork  
·         Knife
·         Dining chair
·         Teapot
·         Bowl
·         Table cloth
·         Tissue
·         Rice Bowl
·         Napkin
·         Fruit crate
·         Dining table


Do you want to eat cabbage?                                     I want to eat Potato
Yes I do/ No I don’t                        

Find 15 words about family!
Exercise !
Complete the Journal below!
Ari : Do you like ice cream?
Adi : Yes I do.
Ari : Do you like cheese?
Adi : No, I don’t.

Personal Pronoun                                            Verb “to be”
I                                                                               am
You                                                                        are
We                                                                         are
They                                                                      are
He                                                                          is
She                                                                        is
It                                                                             is
Practice! Put the right words into the spaces in the sentences.
are         she         is             am          they       it
1.      He .......... Freddy.
2.      We ........ George, Anna and Pablo.
3.      ............. is Susan.
4.      I ........George.
5.      .......... is Herman.
6.      ........ Are John, Susan and Tim.
7.      Romi ........ a Student.
8.      Mr. Bean and Mr.Tukul ........... Jokers.
9.      Marshel and I ........... teachers.
10.  The cat .......... brown.
Put the right words “True” or “False”.
1.      He am Roger.
2.      I am Rendi.
3.      She is susan.
4.      They am John, Tim and Susan.
5.       He are Johny.
Move the words into the right places to make the correct sentence.
1.      Are – john, Susan and Tim - they
2.      He – Fred - is
3.      George – I - am
4.      George, Anna and Pablo – are - we
5.       Is – it - Rover


Practice : Write the number in the words.
1.      74        =
2.      88        =
3.      99        =
4.      105      =
5.      111      =
6.      222      =
7.      333      =
8.      444      =
9.      555      =
10.  666      =

+ = plus                 - =minus              x = times              : = devided         = equal/is

Practice : Complete these sentences bellow.
1.      Fifty plus forty five equals ninty five.
2.      One hundred minus seventy equals ........
3.      Ninety plus seventy two equals ............
4.      Forty four plus fifty one equals ............
5.      Thirty two minus eleven equals ............
6.      Ninety seven minus fifteen equals .............
7.      One hundred and ten minus eighty two equals ...........
8.      Seventy three minus twenty seven equals ............
9.      Sixty nine plus thirty six equals .............
10.  Forty seven plus sixty six equals..........

Do you need a car ? ( apakah kamu memerlukan sebuah mobil?)
They need a horse : mereka memerlukan seekor kuda
We need a palane : kita memerlukan sebuah pesawat
He needs a bus : dia memerlukan sebuah bus
She needs a train : dia memerlukan sebuah kereta

Vocabulary :
Kind of transportation

·         bicycle

·         Scooter
·         Cart
·         Car
·         Ambulance
·         Truck
·         Fire engine
·         Train
·         Plane
·         Canoe
·         Cargo ship
·         Sailing boat
·         Motorcycle
·         Pedicab
·         Taxi
·         Bus
·         Helicopter
·         Ship
·         speedboat

Personal Pronoun                                                   Has/Have
I                                                                               have
You                                                                        have
We                                                                         have
They                                                                      have
He                                                                          has
She                                                                        has
It                                                                             has
Vocabulary :
Kind of animal

·         Wolf
·         Sheep
·         Pig
·         Horse
·         Hen
·         Dragonfly
·         Fly
·         Cat
·         Butterfly
·         Mouse
·         Goose
·         Camel
·         Eagle
·         Snake
·         Bat
·         Bird
·         Bear
·         Ant
·         Lizard
·         Graashopper
·         Dog
·         Cow
·         Duck
·         Elephant
·         Donkey
·         Monkey
·         Zebra
·         Turkey
·         Tiger
·         Rabbit
·         Panda
·         Leopard
·         Lion
·         Cock
·         Fox
·         Cockcroach
·         Whale
·         Dolphin
·         Penguin
·         Octopus
·         Scorpion
·         Mosquito
·         Chicken
·         Giraffe
·         Goat
·         Kangaroo
·         Crocodile
·         Buffalo
·         Ox
·         Worm
·         Deeer
·         Turtle
·         Shark
·         Ostrich
·         Hippo
·         Crab
·         Spider
·         fish

Practice : Translate the sentences in english.
1.      Saya punya seekor beruang.
2.      Kamu punya seekor bebek.
3.      Kita punya seekor merpati.
4.      Dia (laki-laki) punya seekor ikan lumba-lumba.
5.      Dia (perempuan) punya seekor ayam.
6.      Mereka punya seekor dinosaurus.
7.      Saya punya seekor sapi.
8.      Mereka punya seekor unta.
9.      Kamu punya seekor gajah.
10.  Dia (laki-laki) punya seekor monyet.
11.  Kita punya seekor cicak.
12.  Kamu punya seekor kambing.
13.  Saya punya seekor kangguru.
14.  Dia (perempuan) punya seekor paus.
15.  Mereka punya seekor paus.

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